There's no question that many parts of Wisbech have been disfigured by the results of unchecked immigration. The decent shops, the family businesses, the places our parents and grandparents knew are largely gone. But, sadly, this isn't unique to Wisbech, and it's not entirely due to immigration. The same threadbare town centre catering only to gambling addicts, drunks, mobile-phone obsessives and lovers of pound shops can be seen the length and breath of the country. At least, what we don't have is an infestation that is, in my view, far, far worse. To experience that, take a trip to Peterborough or, further afield, Leicester, Bradford, Leeds, Telford, Rotherham, Rochdale. In the words of a certain disgraced entertainer, "Can you see what it is yet?"


The rape of England? A strong word, but one that works in two ways here, because the key concept in both cases — in literal and metaphorical senses — is consent. Staying with the metaphorical use of the word, I pose a few questions:
(1) Who consented to whole areas of English towns being turned into somewhere that resembled Islamabad?
(2) Who gave their consent to the construction of literally hundreds of massive mosques across the country?
(3) Who gave consent to state primary schools becoming almost entirely run by Islamic political activists?
(4) Who gave consent to many supermarkets and food outlets overwhelmingly stocking meat that came from animals brutally slaughtered under Halal laws?
(5) Who gave consent to hundreds of consanguineous marriages (between first cousins) the result of which has been an epidemic of children born with serious mental and physical defects?

The answers are relatively simple:
(1) Neither you nor I. Politicians scared to address mass immigration over decades made this happen.


(2) Neither you nor I. The culprits are the toothless and craven planning committees across the country who were terrified at being though discriminatory.

(3) Neither you nor I. Once again, local authorities charged with the oversight of education have looked the other way as the governing bodies of hundreds of schools have been taken over.


(4) Neither you nor I. Sensing higher profit margins, the bosses of big supermarkets have bowed to the demands of Halal slaughter, totally ignoring the wishes of other customers who favour more humane methods.


(5) Neither you nor I. This practice died out in England a long time ago, but it is not illegal. It is carried out to maintain property within tight knit families and tribal communities. You could argue that it is no concern of ours, but ask yourself who deals with the medical problems of these poor children? The NHS, of course.


TO FOLLOW - the terrible toll on young lives. The scandals of Rotherham, Rochdale, Leicester, Oxford and Telford




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