This is something of an orphan blog, rejected by its parents and left out in the cold since 2019. No matter - given a blanket and a hot meal, its cheeks are soon restored to their rosy glow. The ever reliable Facebook "you have memories" algorithm reminded me of a cartoon I drew back in the cosy days before Covid gave us other things to worry about.

Something is rotten in the pantry, by the look of it. I can't even remember what particular piece of unpleasantness made me draw it, but I suspect it involved the same people. Sadly the cake has become even more unpalatable and infested with rot throughout 2021, to the extent that it has probably crawled off the shelf propelled by the multitude of little scaly legged creatures that feast off it.

What are the abiding glories of Wisbech's 2021? Where to start! The long running political scandal has been what was inevitably christened 'Angelgate'. It all started when police and Fenland Council officials raided The Angel pub on Christmas Eve and found a number of the local Great and Good having a whale of a time, hugging, kissing, mock wrestling, and more besides. All good festive cheer, perhaps, but not so good when most of us were skulking at home, following the government's instructions to keep jollity to a minimum.

We can argue 'til the cows come home about whether or not the restrictions were just or fair, but the fact is, many millions of people bit the bullet, and did what they were told to do. But this is Wisbech, and Wisbech is a law unto itself, the "itself" comprising Councillors Steve Tierney and Samantha Hoy - and a rag-tag-and-bobtail coterie of followers. Mr Tierney and Ms Hoy, plus one of their liegemen, Councillor Topgood were living the dream, watched over by The Angel's landlord Aigars Balsevics. Oh, I forgot to mention, Mr B is also a councillor!


So, not for the first time, The Angel was busted, and when the report eventually came out, Mr Balsevics was in the firing line. His job as a licensee was threatened. The case took an eternity to be concluded but, in the end, there was a temporary suspension of The Angel's license, and the three councillors were sent a letter from the police. But were they? Councillors Hoy and Topgood have remained tight lipped, but Councillor Tierney denies ever having received such a letter. Just as he denies the existence of the Corona Virus. Just as he denies the point of being vaccinated.

The Fenland District Council
officer who was involved in the raid on The Angel is Trevor Darnes. He has since been accused of bias and racism by the supporters of Councillors Tierney and Hoy. Mr Darnes's wife took to Facebook to defend her husband. Perhaps not the wisest move, but it is what people do.

Then there was the unfortunate business
of someone doing some social media archaeology into Councillor Balsevic's history. This was a law report, in the public domain:

Since Mr B is still with us, one assumes that his extradition to Latvia never happened. After some research, I find that it will cost me €64 to ask  officials in Latvia for  a criminal records check. I may go ahead, I may not bother. My gut feeling is that whatever is uncovered, so deeply coated in Teflon are the Wisbech Conservatives, that nothing whatsoever will happen. Just before Christmas, the dreadful duo, after allegedly partaking of drink, verbally abused members of The Wisbech Lions doing their Christmas charity collection at the Christmas market. Outcome? Nothing at all. The stately ship continues to sail serenely onwards, immune to criticism, their shabby  behaviour eternally rewarded at the ballot box. Still, being a councillor has to be better than having a job, doesn't it?


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