Does anyone remember Wisbech Community Forum? Don't be afraid to admit that you don't. It passed most people by, but it had a few loyal followers. I wrote it, but it fell by the wayside as I developed my crime fiction website Fully Booked and my last post was just after the 2016 referendum. I tried to get back into it tonight, and it refused to recognise me, rather like a forlorn child might refuse to acknowledge its father after years of desertion.

Wisbech Community Forum is still there, in all its shabby glory, and if you want to see what it was about, then if you click the link, that should take you there. All bloggers feel they have something to say, and most of us are deluded enough to think that someone else might want to listen. If you look back to the last, dying words of WCF, you may experience a sense of deja vue. I was banging on about how ordinary people in Britain were being patronised, pitied and, to put it bluntly, pissed on by the Great and The Good. People like Owen Jones, Polly Toynbee, Guardian readers (all 276 of them) Gary Lineker and the Mother Theresa de nos jours, Yvette Cooper, who chides us for our inhumanity while breathlessly taking a break from ministering to the dozens of refugees sheltering in her London mansion.

Another thing that doesn't seem to change
. Back in the glory days of WCF it seems I was ranting about a group of Pakistani wastrels who had been abusing vulnerable English girls in the vile swamp of kebab shops, dodgy taxi firms and shisha bars that make many Yorkshire towns such vibrant places in which to grow up, learn about life and have vodka poured down your throat while being raped by a 48 year-old man. Well, guess what? I'm a sucker for pretentious French phrases, so here goes - plus ça change, plus c'est la même chose - what do I read this week, but a report that 55 - yes, 55 - men have been arrested oop in t'north somewhere for abusing young girls! Well there's a thing. I expect we will read shortly that these reprobates include blokes called Ted, Barry, Graham, Kevin, Tony, Alan, Nigel and Mohammed. Whoops - forget the last one - I meant to type Malcolm. Silly me and my fat fingers!

Where does Wisbech fit into all this? Well, in terms of Pakistani child abusers, not at all, thank God. However, there are voices sounding loud within the PE13 postcode area who are still berating me - and maybe you too - for having the temerity to want Britain to have some say in who comes to live and work here, and to actually begin to get a grip on who wants to live her, why they want to come, and how they intend to contribute to our communities. Bear with me for a second while I attach my toothbrush moustache, pull on my jackboots and adjust the microphone so my words carry to the back of the 200,000 strong crowd of pure Aryan supporters who are here to support me.

Wisbech voted overwhelmingly to leave the incompetent, corrupt, wasteful collection of petty demagogues and drunks who sit in their Brussels apartments and find ever more inventive ways of screwing British taxpayers. Oh, whoopsie-me again. I should have said that every now and again they move everything to Strasbourg so the French don't feel offended. Yes, Wisbech voted to leave this ramshackle bunch of fair-ground chancers, the political equivalent of those blokes who knock on your door and offer to tarmac your drive. And will Wisbech people get what they voted for? To use a hackneyed phrase - WATCH THIS SPACE!


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