
Showing posts from April, 2023


POLITICS IN WISBECH is seldom less than surreal. Unkind people may even use words like dystopian, malicious and vindictive. We moved here in the early 1990s, and some people say that things were different then. They may be right, but at the time, I took no interest in such things. I had a demanding job, a large family to support and provide for, and there were only so many hours in the day. It wasn't until I retired that I had the time or the inclination to look at what was going on. By then - 2012- the situation that exists today was already well set. The Town Council was basically controlled by two people. Most of the Town Councillors were fellow Conservatives, but they seemed happy for the two main players to make all the decisions and direct them how to vote in the council chamber. The modus operandi of these two people was very simple, and very effective. They would cultivate people who they thought were malleable and open to flattery, persuade them to stand for council, mak


    AS LIEUTENANT COLONEL BILL KILGORE almost said in Apocalypse Now, "I love the smell of Wisbech elections in the morning" There is certainly a distinctive whiff in the air during the weeks leading up to local council elections. How best to describe the smell? Try this: "Top notes of armpits moistened by hours of competitive litter picking mingle with the heart notes of hypocrisy, on a redolent base of deflection, half truths - and complete bullshit." EVERY FOUR YEARS OR SO during which time many of our councillors were notable only for their invisibility, there is a great stirring. These people emerge from their caves, blinking in sunlight and scratching themselves awake. Their thought processes might be something like this: "Crikey, elections in May? Better do something, quick. Yes, that's it, we'll pick some litter, and post pictures of us doing it all over Facebook. It has always worked in the past. Policies? Ermm, not too sure about that, but w