
Showing posts from October, 2019
AT LEAST THE RIDICULOUS SUGGESTION that the vote should be given to 16 year olds was knocked on the head. Not by the dreadful John Bercow, however, but by his deputy. If ever there were a more shameless attempt to secure an election by the back door, it was this, and it is the usual suspect - the Labour Party . Terrified by the prospect of voter ID - clearly a wicked plot to undermine their traditional strongholds in places like Rotherham and Tower Hamlets - the Islington Intelligentia came up with a cunning plan to enfranchise not only children, but anyone from Bulgaria, Romania, and all points east, who could be  given a little sweetener, put in a minibus and driven to a polling station clutching an election leaflet which they didn't understand, but had with a  cross drawn boldly with a Sharpie marker against the "correct" candidate. AS I WRITE the wretched beings who have paralysed parliament for the last six months are still debating the issue, but it seems it is
Wisbech is a strange little town, to be sure . Always on the back foot, struggling for political and educational scraps, with one of the highest deprivation levels in the country. In local elections the voter turnout is pathetic. The local Conservative Party have a very effective campaign strategy which pretty much cements their candidates into place, despite frequent – albeit petty – scandals involving abuse of social media, nepotism and accusations of incompetence. The Labour Party is as close to non-existent as makes no difference, despite widespread poverty of opportunity, prosperity and aspiration in the town.. Pro EU activists know that Wisbech is one of the strongholds of Brexit and are well rehearsed in their “can’t hear you…” chorus when faced with widespread and genuine discontent about what Freedom of Movement has meant for the town. The huge influx of people from Eastern Europe has, of course, been manna from heaven to some. At the legal end of the spe